Sunday, December 15, 2013

Isafe in the Classroom

Using technology in the classroom has become more and more important. Because technology is such a large part of our culture and society it makes sense that we would allow our students to utilize different types of technology in the classroom. However, with the great aspects of technology come the dangers. 

If we are going to use technology in the classroom almost everyday it is important that we teach our students how to navigate these technologies safely. While school internet may have restrictions placed on what the students can and can not view, a lot of homes do not have such restrictions. If our students are using the internet in school we should assume they use it at home as well.

It is because of this reason I believe students should have courses on safety online. This can be accomplished through a number of ways but I have seen Isafe in action and believe, if used appropriately, it could work. Isafe is a program that can be used by teachers in the classroom. This program promotes internet safety. Isafe comes with detailed lesson plans and video’s of different subjects like “internet predators” and “identity theft”. When using the lesson plans and videos together the teacher can educate the students about the dangers of the internet through class discussion and the use of technology.

1 comment:

  1. An internet saftey course required by schools would be very beneficial for students. I think that the course could even be online and taken before the student begins each year. This online tutorial can explain the saftey precautions they should have and be aware of while using the internet as well as reinforcing the school's technology policies. The school can even require the students to take this course followed by an online exam with a certain grade to pass to use the schools technology that following year. Great idea!
